Maybe I am.
You know, I could use some therapy, I have gone through horrid things while growing up. Imma tell you something that even makes me question my sanity: When I'm in my room, doing anything, whatever, nothing, and I start feeling depressed (a feeling that has now become my best friend), I hear my self saying, out loud to no one in the room that I wanna go home. That feeling goes away just as the revolting memories that are engraved in my mind do. (it is very hard for it to leave) It kinda never does, everything could be alright and I could be 'happy' but there is always something, I can always feel it in me wanting to leave, to go, to get out, creating thoughts of "disbelongment," of wanting to go home. But where is that, where is home?
In a few weeks I will leave to Philly. It was requested that I attend a hispanic leadership conefernce to represent Oklahoma. I'll be there for about a week. Hopefully enough to get myself straight. Though I highly doubt it. I still think it'll do me some good, maybe. I'll have a chance to get away, if not from myself, at least from my "loved ones."
In a few weeks I will leave to Philly. It was requested that I attend a hispanic leadership conefernce to represent Oklahoma. I'll be there for about a week. Hopefully enough to get myself straight. Though I highly doubt it. I still think it'll do me some good, maybe. I'll have a chance to get away, if not from myself, at least from my "loved ones."